Frequently asked questions
Please make sure you have read the points on our booking page and our child safety policy.
What are your opening hours?
We do not have opening hours because we are not open to the public for drop in visits. But that does not mean you can’t meet the animals or see the farm. We run volunteering sessions and alpaca treks several times a week as well as a variety of bookable events such as our annual open day.
How do I find the farm?
We are based in Crosspool in the west of Sheffield. However it can be hard to find us without directions as sat nav will take you to the wrong farm. You can find directions here.
Where do we park?
You can park anywhere on Long Lane near the Holly Hagg gate but its better if you can park uphill of the gate so we don’t need to lead the alpacas past too many cars when we set off.
What should we expect to see when we arrive at the farm?
We are a community farm garden based in a 3 acre field with no buildings or onsite parking. There is a toilet but no office building. All our staff are volunteers who come to the farm for the treks and for volunteer sessions. The gate is marked by a banner flag and a small noticeboard – that’s it! When we are open the wooden gate will be tied back and the metal gate will be closed with a bolt that you slide to open. Make your way down the gravel track to the bottom of the field. You won’t see us from the top.
Do I need to bring my booking confirmation to the trek?
No, we have a list of people attending so we just check you off.
Do I need to show my NUS card to claim the student price?
No, if you are in full time tertiary education you qualify.
Why do I need to pay when I book?
Unless people have paid in advance we can’t guarantee that you are going to come on the day, and if you don’t then that’s a place lost that someone else could have taken. We hope that you will pay as soon as you make the booking. If you don’t we will send a friendly email explaining the options for making the payment. If we don’t hear from you the booking may be cancelled. Please bear in mind we are all volunteers giving our free time and we’d rather be doing useful helpful things. Not chasing people for payment.
Can I pay over the phone?
We are not able to take card payments over the phone. We rely on you having internet access so you can book and pay online. If you need to pay for an upgrade when you get to the trek, please bring the exact money in cash as the guides are unlikely to have change. Payments can also be made by bank transfer.
Do you do special rates for parties? Can we book a trek just for our group?
We don’t offer discounts because demand for treks is high and they book up well in advance. Occasionally we will arrange to do an additional trek (usually Saturday afternoon) for a party at the standard ticket rates.
We recommend that you book well in advance, selecting a date where the number of tickets is at least as many as you want (1 ticket = 1 alpaca with 1 or 2 people).
What happens if it rains and the trek is cancelled?
It is important that you keep an eye on your phone and emails from a day before the trek until a couple of hours before it starts. We trek in light rain but not if it’s heavy or there are other hazards like ice or high winds. We keep an eye on the weather forecast and may issue a cancellation warning the day before or ask you about changing the time of the trek. The final decision is usually made by 9am on the morning of the trek. If we do have to cancel we will keep trying to get through to you to make sure you know. You will then be able to rebook for another day or receive a full refund.
We can’t make it – can we cancel?
Our cancellation policy is that you can cancel up to 3 days before the trek (see the link at the bottom of your booking confirmation). After that it is at the discretion of Holly Hagg and may depend on whether we can re-sell your ticket in time.
Can my friends come along to take photos/meet the alpacas?
People who haven’t bought a trek ticket are welcome to accompany you to Holly Hagg and meet the alpacas before we set off, but we cannot take extra people with us on the trek. This is partly a safety issue so that we can manage the trek properly.
If you are buying a ticket or voucher for someone you will probably need ticket B so they can come with a friend.
I’m pregnant – is it safe to come on a trek?
There are no known health issues regarding pregnancy and contact with alpacas other than the usual hygiene precautions of washing your hands after handling animals.
The trek is over rough and sometime muddy ground with some steep sections.
Although it’s rare, alpacas can get startled and bolt forward or rear up which could cause injury. This may be a risk you would prefer not to take.
Provided you are fit enough for the walk there should be no problem, but it’s up to you to assess the risks, take medical advice if necessary and decide whether you should come.
What time do we need to get there?
Just aim to arrive shortly before your trek, but make sure you have downloaded the directions so you don’t get lost!
The guides will arrive 20 minutes before the trek to get the alpacas ready so if you arrive before that don’t be alarmed to find the gate locked and nobody there.
What happens if I’m late?
We won’t start off without you, unless you are very late. At the time the trek is due to start we use your mobile number to phone you if you haven’t arrived. We assume you’ve got lost and need help finding your way.
I’d like help, or to work with alpacas – can I volunteer?
Each trek is staffed by 3 trained volunteer guides. Their job is to halter the alpacas, make people feel very welcome, ensure the trek goes well and then put everything away at the end. We are always keen to train up new guides and the commitment can be as little as one or two treks a month. We need you to be reliable, friendly, calm and confident with animals and responsive to emails.
We also have land volunteering sessions every Wednesday and Saturday afternoon to care for the plants and grow vegetables.
There are other volunteer roles in admin, publicity, events etc. We need a large range of skills on the team.
If this interests you please email [email protected].
Still confused?
Drop an email to [email protected] and we will do what we can to help.
Sturdy footwear is a must!

Please wear sturdy shoes. The path is steep in places with uneven ground, loose stones and some mud.
Directions to Holly Hagg
It’s hard to find us without directions as sat nav will lead you astray. Find directions here.